
Introducing the Opentrons Heater Vibrator Module!

We are excited to introduce our latest hardware offering that unlocks even more automation applications on the OT-2.

The range of Opentrons hardware modules, including magnetic, temperature, thermal cycler and HEPA filter modules, is constantly growing. We are adding a heater shaker to this home! With heater shakers, you can automate applications such as nucleic acid extraction from blood, tissue, cultured cells, and environmental samples, immunoassays such as ELISA, and other techniques that require stirring or heating.

The heater vibrator plugs into a single deck slot on the OT-2. It can heat up to 95°C and shake samples at speeds from 200 to 3000 rpm. You can choose from four thermal adapters that securely hold different deep-well and 96-well plates and heat samples evenly between wells.

Please watch this video or the other resources below to learn more.

More resources

Heater Shaker Webinar IntroductionHeated shaker product page

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