
Opentrons application software update: 3.20.0

We just launched a new version of our software! Here's everything you need to know.

We have released our next software update: 3.20.0. This update includes bug fixes and features, including:

  • Display labware calibration offsets in File Information and Calibration pages
  • Opentrons GEN2 single-channel pipette aspirates, dispenses and blows faster
  • Improved stability of WiFi and USB connections

Complete information about this update can be found on GitHub. The post below is a user-friendly summary of these changes.

Labware Calibration Offset

When you upload a protocol, the Opentrons application will now display the calibration offsets for the labware used in the protocol, as well as the required labware, pipettes, and modules on the File Information page. Additionally, the Calibration page will display your labware calibration offset in real time as you calibrate. In addition to labware that has not yet been calibrated, calibration offset data is displayed for the current and previous calibration sessions. If you need more information, please refer to the following supporting documents:

  • Getting Started: Calibrating Pipettes and Labware
  • Is pipette and labware calibration required every time I upload a protocol?
  • How calibration works on the OT-2
  • Calibrating Labware FAQs

Higher flow rates for API version 2.6 and GEN2 single pipettes

You can now specify API level 2.6 for your Python protocols. If you do not specify API level 2.6 (especially protocols written for software versions 3.19.0 and earlier), the behavior of your pipette will not change.

This change is based on enhanced factory pipette qualification testing. According to this test, the Opentrons Pipette GEN2 Single Channel can be used at these higher flow rates and has the same CV and %D as the lower flow rates. To avoid breaking already written protocols, changes only occur on Python protocols that use Python protocol API version 2.6 and do not set up traffic manually. Python protocols that specify other API versions, Python protocols that specify API version 2.6 with manual traffic settings, and protocols created using the Protocol Designer will have the same traffic as before the update. If you need more information, please refer to this FAQ:

  • Pipette Flow Rate FAQs

USB connection stability and WiFi MAC address stability

Robot Software 3.20.0 comes with two important network fixes:

  1. Now, the MAC address of the robot's wireless network interface will remain the same regardless of whether the OT-2 is connected to the network. This is important because some networks require manual approval of MAC addresses before allowing devices to connect, and this change can prevent issues.
  2. An OT-2 robot connected to a computer via USB should not accidentally disconnect. It may still take a long time for the OT-2 to be detected when you plug it in or turn it on, but once it's connected it won't go away again until it's unplugged or turned off.

Downgrade to 3.19.0

Finally, it is important to consider when downgrading an Opentrons application version from 3.20.0 to a previous version (such as 3.19.0). If you want to downgrade, you must delete the configuration files of the installed Opentrons App; if not, the Opentrons App will not start after downgrading. If you need more information, please refer to this support guide:

  • How to install and uninstall Opentrons applications
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