
Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction

Nucleic acid extraction is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and error-prone, potentially causing bottlenecks in the workflow. Laboratory automation can reliably automate magnetic bead-based nucleic acid extraction, reducing hands-on time.

Key considerations for automated nucleic acid extraction – live demonstration

Automated nucleic acid extraction (NAE) is a reliable method to streamline genomics and molecular biology workflows and offers multiple benefits, such as reduced hands-on time and reduced error rates. Watch this webinar as we outline some important considerations for automating bead-based NAE and then demonstrate the NAE workflow on the Opentrons Flex Nucleic Acid Extraction Workstation.

Watch the webinar

Nucleic acid extraction workstation

automated bead-based nucleic acid extraction Oh no spray TR ONS flex

Learn more

With the Flex Nucleic Acid Extraction Workstation, you can automate your NAE workflow at the scale you need to increase efficiency, reduce errors, and save hands-on time. Flex enables you to automate your workflow using many of the leading magnetic bead-based reagent systems on the market.

  • application notes

    Automate MACHEREY-NAGEL NucleoMag? tissue on Opentrons Flex

    automate and purification of genomic DNA from cell or tissue samples using the open TR ONS flex nucleic acid extra Ction Workstation.

  • public library of science

    comparison of RNA extraction o not-2 and mag max express-96

    Evaluation of two automated high-throughput RNA extraction methods for SARS-co V-2 detection.


reagents application data protocol confirm*
Mac and Rey-NA brother ln UC Leo mag DNA micro biome DNA extraction with UC Leo mag DNA micro biome on the OT-2 DNA extraction with Mac and Rey-NA brother ln UC Leo mag DNA micro biome



Mac and Rey-NA brother ln UC Leo mag DNA food DNA extraction with uUC Leo mag DNA foo Don the OT-2 DNA extraction with Mac and Rey-NA brother ln UC Leo mag DNA food



Mac and Rey-NA brother ln UC Leo mag pathogen DNA/RNA extraction with UC Leo mag pathogen on the OT-2 DNA/RNA extraction with Mac and Rey-NA brother ln UC Leo mag pathogen



Mac and Rey-NA brother ln UC Leo mag virus DNA/RNA extraction with UC Leo mag virus on the OT-2 DNA/RNA extraction Mac and Rey-NA brother ln UC Leo mag virus



Mac and Rey-NA brother ln UC Leo mag tissue DNA extraction with Mac and Rey-NA brother ln UC Leo mag tissue DNA extraction with Mac and Rey-NA brother ln UC Leo mag tissue



Mac and Rey-NA brother ln UC Leo mag RNA RNA extraction with Mac and Rey-NA brother ln UC Leo mag RNA RNA extraction with Mac and Rey-NA brother ln UC Leo mag RNA



ZY MO research direct-ZOL 96 mag bead RNA kit RNA extraction with direct ZOL mag bead RNA kit


ZY mobi OM ICS 96 mag bead DNA kit automated micro biome extraction: bias-free, high-throughput, quality results with ZY mobi Om at SK ITO not-2


Beckman Coulter RN advance viral Robust and high-throughput SARS-co V-2 viral RNA detection, research, and sequencing using RN advance viral and the OT-2 platform RNA extraction with Beck man Coulter RN advance viral RNA isolation kit



omega bio-TE K-bind blood and tissue DNA HD Q 96 kit
DNA extraction with omega bio-TE K-bind blood and tissue DNA HD Q 96 kit



*verification category:
  • Opentrons  = validated not the open same as Ron steam, verifying that the scientific results areas expected.
  • Partner = verified by chance reagent partners, verifying that scientific results areas expected.
  • Community = protocol used by member soft and open TR ONS community.

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