
Automatic pipette management process

Managing pipettes in a laboratory environment can be time-consuming and expensive. Laboratory personnel manually enter maintenance records and periodic performance results for each pipette. They must also schedule and prepare for routine service and necessary repairs of pipettes. There is also paperwork, such as calibration certificates, that needs to be organized and filed. Today, all of these processes can be streamlined with new technologies while reducing errors and increasing efficiency.


Pipettes are an important part of many laboratory workflows. Ensuring that pipettes are maintained and functioning properly requires many labor-intensive steps. Manually entering service and test data not only introduces errors into the process, but also takes time away from more pressing tasks. The rapid development of connected devices brings exciting possibilities for the management of laboratory assets such as pipettes, where RFID-equipped tools and readers, sensors and computers can communicate directly without human intervention. Using this new technology simplifies the process while reducing errors and making pipette management more efficient.

Technology enables devices to communicate on a network without intervention at every step. This is particularly valuable for tracking the history and performance of thousands of small individual devices, such as pipettes, in a laboratory environment. The advent of automated pipette management using RFID chips and readers has been a boon to those looking for an efficient, reliable way to track inventory and performance efficiently and accurately. Every network is made up of the same basic components. Today, they can communicate over the Internet using RFID technology. Devices with unique electronic identifiers are required to facilitate this communication. When reporting from a device, the application is required to receive the information in a specified format. When used for pipette management, the required technology and identifiers must be incorporated into or connected to each pipette at every stage of the communication process.

The components of a pipette management system include: A network that connects components A network is needed to facilitate communication between the reader, the software, and the individual pipettes and devices that make up the pipette management system. To increase the efficiency and integration of "smart" devices at every pipette lifecycle stage (e.g. inventory, maintenance, field validation, etc.), WIFI or Bluetooth? networks are often used. These wireless technologies allow devices to communicate without the need for manual scanning or keystrokes.

A unique identification method integrated into or connected to each device Unique identifiers are critical to any inventory management system - whether automated or manual. It could be a number etched on the device, a sticker with an ID affixed to the device, a radio frequency identification (RFID) chip embedded in the pipette, or some other form of identification that distinguishes each pipette from the Next pipette. The identification mechanism is likely to be in the form of a barcode that can be scanned by a digital reader or RFID chip and then transmitted to the receiving device and populated in the asset management software. The “smarter” the recognition device is, the less individual data entry work is required and the greater the potential for errors in entering data.

Input Devices New technologies in pipette management include the ability of devices to input data through direct communication between these devices. Using an RFID chip and reader, when the device is within range, the information from the chip is transmitted through the reader to the software according to the specifications of the software preferences. This input method is more efficient and less error-prone than manual input. It is also more likely to be completed on time because it does not take time away from lab activities and does not require the lab staff's undivided attention. The data entry process is also less likely to introduce errors because there is no physical manipulation of the data during entry. Data is transferred directly to the software in digital form. Because it is "self-entered," the data will appear as it appears in the source and will usually be available immediately.

Inventory management software is used to record data and generate reports for each pipette. Effective pipette management requires accurate documentation of each pipette's maintenance and performance. Management software can also be used to alert pipette managers of the need for maintenance and facilitate scheduling of maintenance. The software tracks each pipette throughout its service life while providing all relevant information, including electronic calibration certificates, to enable auditing or review of the results of the pipette's work if required. Another advantage of smart pipettes is the ability to verify pipette accuracy in real time before performing critical tasks. The accuracy of the pipette was verified by gravimetric analysis. This multi-step, time-consuming process includes:

  • Prepare a solution of known weight;
  • Separate specified components;
  • Weigh the separated ingredients;
  • Calculate the amount of a specified ingredient based on the observed weight of the isolated material.

The latest technology makes it possible to obtain the desired results through simple procedures requiring minimal involvement of the pipette operator. Instead, samples are drawn to specifications, distributed into designated validation equipment, and the results are transmitted to inventory management software for tracking. For simple and efficient pipette management, the latest technology is the answer. Creating a network of devices, coupled with inventory management software to automate processes, can increase efficiency, reduce errors, and minimize disruption to laboratory workflow.

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