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How OpenCell is scaling up COVID-19 testing

OpenCell has rapidly expanded its high-throughput testing facilities across the UK to process up to 10,000 coronavirus nucleic acid tests per day.

OpenCell provides affordable lab space to early-stage biotech startups in London, but currently they are working on coronavirus Test Project.

OpenCell has been adjusting its project strategy since the coronavirus was discovered in the UK. They are now rapidly scaling up high-throughput nucleic acid testing facilities inside shipping containers that can be deployed around the world. OpenCell's goal is to increase the laboratory's original testing capacity from 500 samples per day to more than 10,000.

OpenCell co-founder Thomas Meany wrote on their

COVID-19 testing is the best course of action as it is the fastest way to correctly identify people infected with COVID-19 and isolate them for treatment without allowing the infection to spread. The number of daily infections in the UK is expected to rise rapidly and exponentially in the coming weeks, and the National Health Service is under huge pressure to deal with everything in a timely manner, given the high capacity and range of testing currently available. . If the UK allows emergency use authorization, more laboratories will be able to handle these testing needs and better protect the population from infection.

That’s why OpenCell chose the Opentrons platform

"By using Opentrons, we set out to replicate their Multiplexing testing procedures and then increasing the ability of individuals to be tested," Meaney wrote. The Opentrons robot does not have regulatory approval to perform diagnostic tests, but it can perform population monitoring tests through an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) issued by the FDA. To this end, the Opentrons program uses 3 steps to safely and automatically process COVID-19 test samples: sample onboard, RNA extraction and qPCR setup. Afterwards, the samples are processed in a qPCR machine and the laboratory is responsible for collecting the results. "

Over the past week, OpenCell quickly assembled all resources for this testing program, including automation hardware and software, extraction kits, and qPCR kits. They will be testing the program over the weekend and putting the results online.

OpenCell will also immediately make its protocol for extracting reagents available for download on its website, as well as the design of their container lab.

But they hope to contribute more. They need more help.

If you would like to support our project, please contact us at [email protected]. "What we need most right now are qPCR machines, liquid handlers, and RNA extraction and qPCR reagents/kits," Meany wrote. "

He also called on everyone “to implement emergency use authorizations across Europe, to quickly procure and fund medical services. To act aggressively. Don’t accept normal procedures and slow politicized discussions. Put saving lives first.” priority.”

If you'd like to learn more about OpenCell's COVID-19 testing program, watch the video below or read their blog.

If you would like to deploy the same Opentrons system in your lab, please contact us at [email protected].

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