
2021 Year 24 Moon 15 Day

Opentrons customer case | Promotion of Spanish new coronavirus detection system

Using Opentrons' COVID-19 testing system, Spain's anti-epidemic fighters can process 10,000 sample tests per day to expand testing.

The COVID-19 epidemic has put global health systems under tremendous pressure. In early March, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus advised countries to "test, test, test" to combat the virus. He said that without large-scale testing, countries would be like "fighting fires while blindfolded." COVID-19 testing is used by nearly every healthcare system in the world to track the impact of COVID-19 on the population and to prevent further spread of the virus.

Spain created #COVID Warriors and used Opentrons to create a COVID-19 system that processed over 1 million COVID-19 tests in one month.

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You can download our case study document, Find out how they do it.

#COVIDWarriors (Source: #COVIDWarriors)

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